Miller Magness, Hollis Cobb System Integration Engineer since 2018, has been promoted to Director of Customer Solutions. In his new role, Miller will act as a liaison between Hollis Cobb’s internal departments and clients while ensuring consistency, efficiency and overall success in service to our clients. In addition, he will continue to develop workflow strategies that meet business objectives, and analyze trends to identify strategic business opportunities, as well as continue to manage and configure the scope of work for client projects.
Right out of college, Miller started working as a collector. He greatly enjoyed the work opting to stay in the industry and learn its many facets. He found it very rewarding to assist consumers with their debts, giving them peace of mind. Miller stayed with his original employer for 18 years, during which time he was promoted to floor manager and eventually moved into the information technology area.
Hollis Cobb leadership recruited Miller in 2018 to work closely with clients, delivering workflow strategies customized to meet each client’s project specifications. He is particularly skilled at working directly with our clients’ IT teams to create a process that flows well between both client and Hollis Cobb systems. The promotion to Director of Customer Solutions was a natural progression based on Miller’s understanding of both Hollis Cobb and client systems, and his talent at ensuring our clients are well-served by our Technology Team.
Born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee, Miller resides there with his wife Lindsay and son Holt. When not working with our clients, he spends his spare time playing golf, running, hunting and fishing.